20 Июнь 2009

QA — как контроль безопасности

Какой-то фанат мафии ворс принес в офис 3 ящика пива, тортилы и сальсу.

John: anyone here going to drink the beer or eat the chips/salsa the fan brought in?

Vladimir Osipov: you think it has poison? 🙂

John: ill wait a day after you do and if you havent (puke) then ill have some

Vladimir Osipov: I’m not QA :)))

Stender: haha vlad
… «gunna need a smoke test of this questionable beer and salsa»

Frank E. Banks: qa will eat/drink it all up and say ‘man, you didn’t want any of that’

John: Bug in JIRA: Beer settled in good, started feeling a bit warm and fuzzy, then suddenly I had to run to the restroom. P1.

Vladimir Osipov: closed, resolution: Won’t fix

John: haha

рубрики: По следам башорга | 4 комментария